Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Harrison!

Today is the Birthday of Harrison Ford, the recent co-star of Bruno, with his unforgettable line "F*ck off." All the best! - NS


Green Lantern Will Kick Ass...IMO

Beating out the likes of Justin Timberlake and Bradley Cooper, Ryan Reynolds has signed on to play Green Lantern. Total Film reports:

For those of you out of the loop, Green Lantern (aka test pilot Hal Jordan) is a superhero who draws his abilites from a special power ring, which allows him to do various cool things, including fly, create forcefields, and so on.

Van Wilder has come so far, I feel like a proud father. - NS


Mel Gibson Loves Beaver

Mel Gibson is slated to star in The Beaver as "a depressed man who finds solace in wearing a beaver hand-puppet." Jodie Foster will direct and co-star as his wife. Steve Carrell was previously attached to star.

This is how Mel Gibson makes his return to film? Really? With his hand up a beaver? (Hehe). Is this the biopic of Joey Gladstone as Ranger Joe? - NS


Hangover 2011

The Hangover 2 already has a release date, fantabulous. The sequel to this summer's comedy blockbuster (and the second highest-earning R-rated comedy ever) starring Bradley CooperZach Galifianakis and Ed Helms is set to start production in October 2010, which will put the film out in theaters nation-wide Memorial Day weekend 2011. 

It wasn't the funniest movie ever as many claim, but it was refreshing because it has been awhile since a comedy has made us laugh this hard. I'll see the second with my wolfpack. -NS


Friday, July 10, 2009

The Final 3 To Be Green Lantern

It was announced this morning that there are three contenders in line for the new Warner Bros./ DC Comics flick Green Lantern. They are Bradley Cooper, Ryan Reynolds, and Justin Timberlake.

Bradley Cooper I get. He's coming of a box office hit in The Hangover but I think at best you get one Green Lantern movie out of him, he's not carrying a franchise. He was the least funny part of that movie anyways. I don't get Justin Timberlake, he can't handle this size of a role.

Ryan Reynolds is about to break out something huge if they give him a superhero franchise. Get it done! I'm quitting on this post half-way through like I'm Sarah Palin. Out! - NS

UPDATE: Ryan Reynolds has been given the role!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Salute to your Captain!

CAPTAIN AMERICA, one of the most famous and popular comic characters in history -- the MARVEL movie is set for 2011, but who will they cast for the lead?

Off the bat id say its obvious – Gary Busey. He’d scare the shit out of any national enemy. But no let’s be super cereal here...CHUCK NORRIS…the guy has a sitcom (Law & Order) named after his right and left bicep. Unfortunately Chuck’s roundhouse kick is not as fast as it used to be.

So some suggestions I have for the lead role:
- John Cena if he could act….so that’s a no go
- Matt Damon (possibly could fit the role)
- Aaron Eckhart (hes got that superhero jaw)
*Jason Statham (yes he is british…and no I do not care)
As far as I am concerned Jason Statham could play Captain America in a British, Russian, or Chinese accent and everyone would accept it…. he is just that badass. Who do you think best fits the role? - PC


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The First Time Lohan Didn't Have A Hangover

A source tells Us that director Todd Phillips approached Lindsay Lohan to star in the hit flick The Hangover after their mutual agent campaigned on the actress’ behalf. “The agent tried hard to get Phillips to consider her,” says the source, “and when he finally agreed, Lindsay said she didn’t like the script!” The role went to Heather Graham.

Lindsay said the script "didn't have any potential." $205 Million Dollars later Lindsay Lohan still looks like an idiot and does not have "any potential."


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Johnny Depp as Michael Jackson...Strange

You know somebody is going to try and make a Michael Jackson Biopic. As I sit here and watch his Concer....err Funeral I thought I'd hit up the Google and see what people are saying and wa-la almost every result returned this.

When they figure out his estate, they will still be arguing over movie rights, and by the time they get that done I doubt Depp will be interested. And what a strange role to cast. MJ was African American but looks more Caucasian, so who do you cast? I admit I think Johnny Depp would be the best choice based on looks and abilities, but I don't know how the world/his family would react to a white guy playing him. This will be interesting to follow to see how it plays out. - NS


Monday, July 6, 2009

Jennifer's Body Unrated Trailer. Boing!

In Jennifer’s Body, Megan Fox plays a possessed cheerleader who uses her wiles to lure male classmates into a variety of gruesome deaths.

Here we have the latest red-band trailer for Jennifer’s Body, via a ShockTillYouDrop exclusive. There’s plenty of violence and suggestive undressing. Sounds like a winner!

UPDATE: After acutally watching the trailer....The movie looks pretty awful. But I don't expect that to stop me from seeing it. - NS


Sunday, July 5, 2009

This Looks Freaking Crazy

I caught the trailer for “Pandorum,” produced by the folks behind the “Resident Evil” movie trilogy, and all I can say is, HOLY SHIT. 

Basically two men wake up in space and don't know what is going on. It's kind of how I felt when I woke up during class once and it was just me and my 5th grade English teacher. Only without the Aliens trying to eat my brains. I just got a detention. These dudes will most likely get eaten. Count your blessings folks. - NS


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Bruce Is Back! -- The Surrogates (2009)

Do you know when the word "badass" was invented in the English dictionary? It was on March 19, 1955...when Bruce Willis was born. And yes, I know what your thinking right now and I agree. As soon as I have a son I am going to adorn his room with Bruce Willis snapshots and quotes from Die Hard too.

The saltan of sweet is back with a new movie "The Surrogates" set to release in September of 2009. The movie is a futuristic world where humans interact through their personally controlled surrogate robots while they remain isolated in their houses. Weird concept. Will it go see it? Unless I want to lose any dude credibility... than yes. Chalk me up Mr. Willis sir. The male species owes it to you. -- HC


Friday, July 3, 2009

How Do They Make Asteroids A Movie? Huh?

Universal just dropped bank for the rights to turn the popular 70's arcade game Asteroids into a full length feature film. 

As far as casting suggestions, I suggest they cast me as the quarter and Megan Fox as the slot. Noice. - NS


Gisele Won't Be Getting Shagged.

Rumors of a fourth Austin Power’s film arose earlier this month. Mike Myers titillating trilogy satiring the classic Bond flicks, has been long awaiting a fourth movie since Goldmember in 2002. It has been recently said that UPER-model Gisele from Brazilian babeland has read the entire script and her representatives said she has agreed to sign on for the lead female role opposite of the mojo man himself.

Unfortunately, all these claims are lies. ALL LIES. The genius Mike Myers set no official plans in motion for a 4th Austin Powers. The balding devil child of Dr. Evil himself, Seth Green, made it clear when asked about the rumored casting, “Giselle…the model?? I’ll tell you what…if a script for ‘Austin Powers 4’ gets written and then it gets greenlit by whatever version of New Line is still making movies, and everybody agrees to do it, then we’ll have something to talk about. But at this point, ‘Austin Powers 4’ is nothing more than something Mike Myers talked about off-handedly during the ‘Shrek’ press.”

I for one would love to see another hilarious gift of random one-liners and unforgettable characters from another Austin Powers movie. Maybe add a new spoof bond character – instead of Jaws: Gums. And just have a giant big oaf with no teeth chasing around the International Man of Mystery threatening to nibble him slowly but meticulously to death. Maybe Jessica Alba play his sexy love interest: Mya Sizznice. Yes say that together a few times. She would fit the role nicely.

So with that said…shall we shag now or shag later?.....unfortunately it will have to be later. Because though Myers has expressed interest in a 4th Austin Powers movie in 2007, the comedian guru has offered nothing further since and the recent rumours of a 4th coming are proven false. – HC


A Moment of Silence -- Creepy Movie Posters:

How about neither. I like these two actors..... but this reminds of a gay version of Wedding Crashers --- Wedding Crashers 2: Same sex marriages -- Babaganusch came out and found a new crashing partner and it's marriage season again, but this time only in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, California, and Maine. -- HC


Christian Bale & Marky Mark? Yes Please!

Amy Adams is in final negotiations to star in The Fighter opposite Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg. David O. Russell is directing the film about the life of boxer "Irish" Mickey Ward (Wahlberg) and his trainer-brother Dick Eklund (Bale). Melissa Leo will play their mother. Adams will play Charlene, a "tough, gritty bartender and former college high-jumper... who ends up dating Mickey." via Blog Stage

I don't care about how bad of an Actor Mark Wahlberg is. He rocks my world. Christian Bale actually is a fabulous actor, but Wahlberg actually ranks higher in putting butts in the seats. No lie, Wahlberg is #10 and Bale is #15. Can you believe that? Batman is only #15? Look at the Public Enemies at your local theatre. It's only Johnny Depp. They completely cut Bale out of it and the final trailers leading up to the release because the casual movie-goer doesn't give a shit about Bale. This angers me.

I put a picture of Amy Adams because she's in the movie too, and there are way too many dudes on this page. She's cute if you are into Gingers. - NS


Happy Birthday Tom!

Happy 51st Tom Cruise. I know people think you are crazy, but that won't stop me from loving your movies. Judging someone because of their religious beliefs isn't right people. Suck on that! - NS


What I'm Doing Tonight

Well, I won't actually be doing Megan Fox tonight. But I will be seeing Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. But this is the worst case scenario, the movie could be awful, but I'll be paying ten bucks to watch this run around the whole time. I really have nothing to lose. I'm going with my girlfriend so it will also be the closest I ever get to a threesome. Score! - NS


Brad Pitt's "Moneyball" Not So Money

Turns out Sony Pictures is going to shut down Moneyball a film starring Brad Pitt, directed by Steven Soderberg, and already $10 million deep into pre-production costs.

Soderberg didn't like the script changes, which made the movie no longer a "true story" in his opinion. With Soderberg out, you can also count out Pitt, which means no movie. 

The movie was about Billy Beane and the Oakland A's, so I'm kinda eh. You want to make a good movie about baseball? Big Red Machine baby. Christian Bale as Pete Rose, noice, now that is something people would watch. - NS


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Justin Timberlake + Guy Ritchie - Madonna =

According to British tabloid The Sun, Justin Timberlake is rumored to star in the new big-screen adaptation of the musical Guys and Dolls, directed by Guy Ritchie. (The pop star and director apparently recently shook hands over drinks.) Action star -- and frequent Ritchie cast member -- Jason Statham is also possibly attached to the project.

I love Jason Statham. He woops serious ass. His best project with Ritchie of course is Snatch. With JT attached to this one, it will probably stay that way. - NS


Jack Black ain't fraid of no Ghosts.

Jack Black is apparently lobbying Ghostbusters alum Harold Ramis, with whom Black worked on Year One and will be reprising his original role as Dr. Egon, for a spot in the upcoming Ghostbusters.

I don't know, I haven't liked anything Jack Black has done since he punted that dog in Anchorman. And Year One bombed. 

My Ghostbusters? Ryan Reynolds, Paul Rudd, Jason Segal, and for a wildcard...Zach Braff. I would probably be the only one who enjoys it, but after the success of The Proposal and the hype for his X-Men Spin-off I think Ryan Reynolds needs a shot to carry a franchise. Also I feel like since it's 2009 we need a black guy. Oh well, think Will Smith will do it? - NS


Bruno no longer delivering his package

More bad news for the Bruno film. The film is being edited and re-rated from NC-17 to R.

A scene in which Sascha Baren Cohen exposes his dong is being covered with a "censor box," so now all the homophobes who won't see this movie about homophobia won't have to see a penis. Zing! - NS


Shut Up Michael Bay

So before I rant about Michael Bay and how much I love his films, he opened his mouth and pissed me off. Apparently that quote about the movie not being about acting crawled up his ass. says…

“She says some very ridiculous things because she’s 23 years old and she still has a lot of growing to do. Bay says he “100 percent disagrees” with Fox. “Nick Cage wasn’t a big actor when I cast him, nor was Ben Affleck … Shia LaBeouf wasn’t a big movie star before he did Transformers — and then he exploded. Not to mention Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, from Bad Boys,” he points out. “Nobody in the world knew about Megan Fox until I found her and put her in Transformers,” he says.

Michael Bay. Really? Really? We get it, you put them in these movies, but really? You are going to take credit for Will Smith's career? Nicolas Cage's? He's not going to direct the third installment of Transformers because he is all boo-hoo about critics giving him bad reviews. You are good at what you do, but now he wants to make an art film. Any Michael Bay film without explosions is going to suck. Bad. Take the special effects out of Armageddon and would you want to see it? That movie was Pearl Harbor, and that answer is no. - NS


Megan Fox is very, very....intelligent?

So I think Transformers is the bee's knees. I loved the first one and I'm going to see the second. I am admitedly a sucker for explosions and for special effects and since Michael Bay delivers in those categories, umm chalk it up for a win. You may not get me, but Megan Fox gets me:

“I mean, I can’t s— on this movie because it did give me a career and open all these doors for me. But I don’t want to blow smoke up people’s a–. People are well aware that this is not a movie about acting.”

Megan Fox understands this movie isn't about acting. So don't give me the bullshit about these movies having "no plot" and "no acting." If I sat down Megan Fox right in front of you, would you say that too her face? I mean look at her. You would have no words. This goes for women as well. Go out, get some popcorn, and just enjoy, no one is trying to win a damn Oscar. -NS



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