Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jack Black ain't fraid of no Ghosts.

Jack Black is apparently lobbying Ghostbusters alum Harold Ramis, with whom Black worked on Year One and will be reprising his original role as Dr. Egon, for a spot in the upcoming Ghostbusters.

I don't know, I haven't liked anything Jack Black has done since he punted that dog in Anchorman. And Year One bombed. 

My Ghostbusters? Ryan Reynolds, Paul Rudd, Jason Segal, and for a wildcard...Zach Braff. I would probably be the only one who enjoys it, but after the success of The Proposal and the hype for his X-Men Spin-off I think Ryan Reynolds needs a shot to carry a franchise. Also I feel like since it's 2009 we need a black guy. Oh well, think Will Smith will do it? - NS


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