Thursday, July 2, 2009

Shut Up Michael Bay

So before I rant about Michael Bay and how much I love his films, he opened his mouth and pissed me off. Apparently that quote about the movie not being about acting crawled up his ass. says…

“She says some very ridiculous things because she’s 23 years old and she still has a lot of growing to do. Bay says he “100 percent disagrees” with Fox. “Nick Cage wasn’t a big actor when I cast him, nor was Ben Affleck … Shia LaBeouf wasn’t a big movie star before he did Transformers — and then he exploded. Not to mention Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, from Bad Boys,” he points out. “Nobody in the world knew about Megan Fox until I found her and put her in Transformers,” he says.

Michael Bay. Really? Really? We get it, you put them in these movies, but really? You are going to take credit for Will Smith's career? Nicolas Cage's? He's not going to direct the third installment of Transformers because he is all boo-hoo about critics giving him bad reviews. You are good at what you do, but now he wants to make an art film. Any Michael Bay film without explosions is going to suck. Bad. Take the special effects out of Armageddon and would you want to see it? That movie was Pearl Harbor, and that answer is no. - NS


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