Thursday, July 9, 2009

Salute to your Captain!

CAPTAIN AMERICA, one of the most famous and popular comic characters in history -- the MARVEL movie is set for 2011, but who will they cast for the lead?

Off the bat id say its obvious – Gary Busey. He’d scare the shit out of any national enemy. But no let’s be super cereal here...CHUCK NORRIS…the guy has a sitcom (Law & Order) named after his right and left bicep. Unfortunately Chuck’s roundhouse kick is not as fast as it used to be.

So some suggestions I have for the lead role:
- John Cena if he could act….so that’s a no go
- Matt Damon (possibly could fit the role)
- Aaron Eckhart (hes got that superhero jaw)
*Jason Statham (yes he is british…and no I do not care)
As far as I am concerned Jason Statham could play Captain America in a British, Russian, or Chinese accent and everyone would accept it…. he is just that badass. Who do you think best fits the role? - PC


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