Saturday, July 4, 2009

Bruce Is Back! -- The Surrogates (2009)

Do you know when the word "badass" was invented in the English dictionary? It was on March 19, 1955...when Bruce Willis was born. And yes, I know what your thinking right now and I agree. As soon as I have a son I am going to adorn his room with Bruce Willis snapshots and quotes from Die Hard too.

The saltan of sweet is back with a new movie "The Surrogates" set to release in September of 2009. The movie is a futuristic world where humans interact through their personally controlled surrogate robots while they remain isolated in their houses. Weird concept. Will it go see it? Unless I want to lose any dude credibility... than yes. Chalk me up Mr. Willis sir. The male species owes it to you. -- HC


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